DIY Tooth Whitening Gels

What makes tooth whitening gels so popular? It's a combination of factors such as cost and convenience. The cost of having teeth whitening done at the dentist is quite steep for many, giving rise to a demand for cheaper alternatives in over the counter tooth whitening gels. Tooth whitening gels are used in various tooth whitening products that come in various formats such as whitening strips, whitening dental moulds and tooth whitening pens. The basic chemical components in tooth whitening products are similar to those used by dentists but dentists have the professional expertise in maximising the effect of tooth whitening gels.

There are many products on the market that claim to be the best dental teeth whitening products for doing it yourself and these come in a wide range of packaging and prices to suit every budget.

There are teeth whitening gels in the form of strips or pen dispensers that are convenient for use on the move. There also the traditional home DIY kits that could be a little messy to use. But many people are prepared to use them since professional dentist teeth whitening cost can be too high since it often requires multiple visits to the dentist to get your teeth whitened to a satisfactory shade, especially if stains are on the severe side.